
Website Detailed Daily Data

266,417,527+ domains in 1517 domain zones

Fast and Accurate Database

Website Detailed Daily Data come in .CSV (comma-separated) format. Daily details data contains the domain name and their email address from their website's page. [Not whois]. Soon you will get A records, NS, IP and Country name according to hosted servers.

Check Real Sample Data

Check out some FREE samples of the Website Detailed Daily Data below:

# Date Number Size Price Download
106-Oct-202450030.21 MBFreeDowload Now
202-Oct-2024123480.52 MBFreeDowload Now
326-Sep-2024123500.52 MBFreeDowload Now
421-Sep-2024199500.85 MBFreeDowload Now
513-Sep-2024175580.75 MBFreeDowload Now
605-Sep-2024118090.49 MBFreeDowload Now

Fast and Accurate Database

We update our full database every 24 hours, and scrap all websites and extract details from live website's contact page and header footer sections.


Website Detailed Daily Data

Download 266,417,527 All Registered Domains till now

₹ 700.00/mo
$ 8.30/mo

Order Now

how many data we have provided in last 30 days?

Know here daily statics of website detailed daily data

Sr. Date Size Number of data
121-Nov-20240.79 MB18183
219-Nov-20240.57 MB13034
318-Nov-20240.67 MB15481
416-Nov-20240.74 MB17126
515-Nov-20240.56 MB13097
614-Nov-20240.56 MB13097
713-Nov-20240.45 MB10406
812-Nov-20240.59 MB13694
911-Nov-20240.66 MB15341
1010-Nov-20240.78 MB18239
1109-Nov-20240.83 MB19076
1208-Nov-20240.71 MB16493
1307-Nov-20240.5 MB11642
1406-Nov-20240.41 MB9523
1505-Nov-20240.52 MB11933
1604-Nov-20240.63 MB14598
1703-Nov-20240.66 MB15219
1802-Nov-20240.7 MB16252
1901-Nov-20240.76 MB17495
2031-Oct-20240.49 MB11310
2130-Oct-20240.38 MB8785
2229-Oct-20240.83 MB19627
2328-Oct-20240.66 MB15290
2427-Oct-20240.76 MB17407
2526-Oct-20240.75 MB17346
2625-Oct-20240.69 MB16011
2724-Oct-20240.48 MB11112
2823-Oct-20240.44 MB10120
2922-Oct-20240.44 MB10120
3021-Oct-20240.71 MB16367

Website Detailed Daily Data features


What does the daily database contain?

Each database contains list of newly registered domain names along with their WHOIS data. Whenever available, the whois record should contains contact details of the domain owner, and other information like name servers and domain status. You may check the free samples to see exactly what's inside a databas.


Quick service activation

We have fully automated system where your account will be activated in second after making payment. we have multi payment methods to support all countries in the world.

We have included many free services to grow your business fast and smoothly. We have included Single Domains WHOIS, Website Health Checkup, IP Information and Email address extractor.


Multiple secure payment methods

We have easy payment method by PayPal and Our Indian customer can use Debit/Credit Card and Net Banking. We have all Indian bank gateway.

Now we have included Google Pay, BHIM, UPI and all popular Wallets like: Paytm, Ola Money etc.


Get the right support..

We are here to help you, if you need any help on purchasing new plan or you have any problem after database purchasing, then please contact us by any support method.

Accurate database

We provide 100% same database as public Whois provide. we only parse to make it easy usable.

Great Support

We have multi support systems, Live chats, Ticket, Mail, Whatsapp and Phone Support.

Money-back Guarantee

We value your money so if you are not satisfied with our services, then we have refund** policy for unused day's money.
**Please read full terms of service.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Your mostly question will be solved.

Each database contains list of newly registered domain names along with their WHOIS data. Whenever available, the whois record should contains contact details of the domain owner, and other information like name servers and domain status. You may check the free samples to see exactly what's inside a databas.

We have fully automated system so your account will activated instantly without any delay after that you can download your database files from the client area. How to download database after payment?. if you are making payment by PayPal, then please use same billing details as used on the PayPal account to avoid manually review delay on an order.

You will get a mail for downloading instruction on mail how ever we suggest you to check downloading method here

We don't have any free trail plan, but we have a paid 7 day trail plan for day full Whois database that includes all county databases. You can order from this link.

You will be able to download daily whois database of previous 5 days. In total, you will get access to the whois data of all the domain names that were registered within last 5 days. Each day's database is separated into a single ZIP file.

Yes, each WHOIS record contains the following parsed information: domain_name, query_time, create_date, update_date, expiry_date, domain_registrar_id, domain_registrar_name, domain_registrar_whois, domain_registrar_url, registrant_name, registrant_company, registrant_address, registrant_city, registrant_state, registrant_zip, registrant_country, registrant_email, registrant_phone, registrant_fax, administrative_name, administrative_company, administrative_address, administrative_city, administrative_state, administrative_zip, administrative_country, administrative_email, administrative_phone, administrative_fax, technical_name, technical_company, technical_address, technical_city, technical_state, technical_zip, technical_country, technical_email, technical_phone, technical_fax, billing_name, billing_company, billing_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_zip, billing_country, billing_email, billing_phone, billing_fax, name_server_1, name_server_2, name_server_3, name_server_4, domain_status_1, domain_status_2, domain_status_3, domain_status_4

We track newly registered domain names of all the major gTLDs and new gTLDs: .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .mobi, .name, .asia, .coop, .tel, .aero, .pro,,,,, .af,,,, .ag,,,,,,,, .bi,,,,,,,, .be, .bj, .bn, .bw, .by, .bz,,,,, .ca, .ch, .cc,,, .ci,,,,,, .cm,,,, .co,,,, .cx, .de, .dk, .eu, .fr, .gi, .gl,,,,,, .gy,,,, .gs, .hn,,,, .ht,,,, .id,,,,,,, .in,,,,,,, .iq, .it,,,, .ki,,,,,,, .ke,,,,,,, .kn, .kr,,,,, .ky, .la, .lc,,,,,,, .li, .ma, .me, .mg,,,,, .ms,,,, .mu,,,,,,, .mz,,, .na, .nf,,,,,,,,,,, .ng,,,,, .nl,, .nz,,,,,,,,, .om, .pf, .pl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .pm, .ps,,,, .pw, .qa, .re, .rw, .sb,,,, .sc,,,, .sl, .st, .sx, .sy, .tc, .tf, .tl,,,, .tv, .uz, .vc,,,, .wf, .ws, .yt, .zm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .academy, .accountant, .agency, .amsterdam, .bayern, .bbva, .berlin, .bet, .bid, .bio, .black, .blackfriday, .blue, .bostik, .bridgestone, .brother, .business, .bzh, .care, .casa, .cat, .center, .cfa, .cfd, .chanel, .channel, .chat, .cheap, .chintai, .christmas, .chrome, .church, .cipriani, .city, .cityeats, .claims, .cleaning, .click, .clinic, .clinique, .clothing, .cloud, .club, .clubmed, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .college, .cologne, .commbank, .community, .company, .compare, .computer, .comsec, .condos, .construction, .consulting, .contact, .contractors, .cooking, .cool, .corsica, .country, .coupons, .courses, .credit, .creditcard, .creditunion, .cricket, .cruises, .csc, .cuisinella, .cymru, .cyou, .dabur, .dad, .dance, .date, .dating, .datsun, .day, .dclk, .dds, .deals, .degree, .delivery, .deloitte, .delta, .democrat, .dental, .dentist, .desi, .design, .dev, .diamonds, .diet, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .docs, .dog, .doha, .domains, .doosan, .dot, .download, .drive, .dtv, .dubai, .dunlop, .durban, .dvag, .eat, .edeka, .education, .email, .emerck, .energy, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .epson, .equipment, .ericsson, .erni, .esq, .estate, .eurovision, .eus, .events, .everbank, .exchange, .expert, .exposed, .express, .extraspace, .fage, .fail, .fairwinds, .faith, .family, .fan, .fans, .farm, .fashion, .feedback, .film, .final, .finance, .financial, .firestone, .firmdale, .fish, .fishing, .fit, .fitness, .flights, .florist, .flowers, .flsmidth, .fly, .foo, .football, .forex, .forsale, .forum, .foundation, .fresenius, .frl, .frogans, .fund, .furniture, .futbol, .fyi, .gal, .gallery, .gallo, .gallup, .game, .garden, .gbiz, .gdn, .gea, .gent, .genting, .ggee, .gift, .gifts, .gives, .giving, .glass, .gle, .global, .globo, .gmail, .gmbh, .gmx, .gold, .goldpoint, .golf, .goo, .goog, .google, .gop, .graphics, .gratis, .green, .gripe, .group, .guge, .guide, .guitars, .guru, .hamburg, .hangout, .haus, .hdfcbank, .healthcare, .help, .helsinki, .here, .hermes, .hiphop, .hitachi, .hiv, .hkt, .hockey, .holdings, .holiday, .homedepot, .homes, .honda, .horse, .host, .hosting, .house, .how, .hyundai, .ibm, .icbc, .ice, .icu, .ifm, .iinet, .imamat, .immo, .immobilien, .industries, .infiniti, .ing, .ink, .institute, .insurance, .insure, .int, .international, .investments, .irish, .iselect, .ismaili, .jaguar, .java, .jcb, .jcp, .jewelry, .jll, .jobs, .joburg, .juegos, .kaufen, .kddi, .kerryhotels, .kerrylogistics, .kerryproperties, .kfh, .kia, .kim, .kitchen, .kiwi, .koeln, .komatsu, .krd, .kuokgroup, .kyoto, .lacaixa, .lamborghini, .lamer, .lancaster, .land, .landrover, .lasalle, .lat, .latrobe, .law, .lawyer, .lds, .lease, .leclerc, .legal, .lexus, .lgbt, .liaison, .lidl, .life, .lifestyle, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .linde, .link, .live, .lixil, .loan, .loans, .locus, .lol, .london, .lotte, .lotto, .love, .ltd, .ltda, .luxe, .luxury, .madrid, .maison, .makeup, .man, .management, .mango, .market, .marketing, .markets, .marriott, .mba, .med, .media, .meet, .melbourne, .meme, .memorial, .men, .menu, .miami, .mini, .mls, .mma, .moda, .moe, .mom, .monash, .money, .mormon, .mortgage, .moscow, .motorcycles, .mov, .movie, .movistar, .mtn, .mtpc, .mtr, .museum, .nadex, .natura, .navy, .nec, .netbank, .network, .new, .news, .nexus, .ngo, .nico, .nikon, .ninja, .nissan, .nissay, .nokia, .norton, .nowruz, .nra, .nrw, .nyc, .obi, .olayangroup, .omega, .one, .ong, .onl, .online, .ooo, .oracle, .orange, .organic, .osaka, .ovh, .page, .paris, .pars, .partners, .parts, .party, .pet, .philips, .photo, .photography, .photos, .physio, .pics, .pictures, .pid, .pink, .pizza, .place, .play, .plumbing, .plus, .pohl, .poker, .porn, .post, .press, .prod, .productions, .prof, .progressive, .promo, .properties, .property, .protection, .pub, .pwc, .quebec, .quest, .racing, .realestate, .realty, .recipes, .red, .redstone, .redumbrella, .rehab, .reise, .reisen, .reit, .rent, .rentals, .repair, .report, .republican, .rest, .restaurant, .review, .reviews, .rexroth, .rich, .ricoh, .rio, .rip, .rocks, .rodeo, .rsvp, .ruhr, .run, .rwe, .saarland, .sale, .salon, .samsung, .sandvik, .sandvikcoromant, .sanofi, .sap, .sarl, .saxo, .sbi, .sbs, .sca, .scb, .schaeffler, .schmidt, .scholarships, .school, .schule, .schwarz, .science, .scor, .scot, .seat, .security, .seek, .select, .services, .seven, .sew, .sex, .sexy, .sfr, .sharp, .shaw, .shell, .shia, .shiksha, .shoes, .shouji, .show, .shriram, .sina, .singles, .site, .ski, .skin, .sky, .sncf, .soccer, .social, .softbank, .software, .solar, .solutions, .sony, .soy, .space, .spiegel, .spreadbetting, .srl, .stada, .star, .starhub, .statebank, .statoil, .stc, .stcgroup, .stockholm, .storage, .store, .studio, .study, .style, .sucks, .supplies, .supply, .support, .surf, .surgery, .swatch, .swiss, .sydney, .symantec, .systems, .tab, .taipei, .tatamotors, .tatar, .tattoo, .tax, .taxi, .tci, .team, .tech, .technology, .telecity, .telefonica, .temasek, .tennis, .teva, .thd, .theater, .theatre, .tickets, .tienda, .tiffany, .tips, .tires, .tirol, .today, .tools, .top, .toray, .toshiba, .total, .tours, .town, .toyota, .toys, .trade, .trading, .training, .travel, .travelers, .travelersinsurance, .trust, .trv, .tui, .tvs, .university, .uol, .ups, .vacations, .vana, .vegas, .ventures, .verisign, .versicherung, .vet, .viajes, .video, .vig, .viking, .villas, .vin, .vip, .virgin, .vision, .vista, .vistaprint, .viva, .vlaanderen, .vodka, .volkswagen, .vote, .voting, .voto, .voyage, .wales, .walter, .wang, .watch, .webcam, .weber, .website, .wed, .wedding, .weibo, .whoswho, .wien, .wiki, .win, .wine, .wme, .wolterskluwer, .work, .works, .world, .wtc, .wtf, .xerox, .xihuan, .xin, .xperia, .xxx, .xyz, .yachts, .yodobashi, .yoga, .youtube, .yun, .zara, .zip, .zone, .zuerich, .xn--1qqw23a, .xn--30rr7y, .xn--3bst00m, .xn--3ds443g, .xn--3pxu8k, .xn--42c2d9a, .xn--45brj9c, .xn--4gbrim, .xn--55qw42g, .xn--55qx5d, .xn--6frz82g, .xn--6qq986b3xl, .xn--80asehdb, .xn--80aswg, .xn--9dbq2a, .xn--9et52u, .xn--9krt00a, .xn--b4w605ferd, .xn--c1avg, .xn--c2br7g, .xn--cg4bki, .xn--czrs0t, .xn--czru2d, .xn--d1acj3b, .xn--efvy88h, .xn--estv75g, .xn--fhbei, .xn--fiq228c5hs, .xn--fiq64b, .xn--fjq720a, .xn--flw351e, .xn--fpcrj9c3d, .xn--g2xx48c, .xn--gecrj9c, .xn--h2brj9c, .xn--hxt814e, .xn--i1b6b1a6a2e, .xn--io0a7i, .xn--j1aef, .xn--j1amh, .xn--jlq61u9w7b, .xn--kcrx77d1x4a, .xn--kput3i, .xn--mgb9awbf, .xn--mgbaam7a8h, .xn--mgbbh1a71e, .xn--mgbca7dzdo, .xn--mgberp4a5d4ar, .xn--mgbt3dhd, .xn--mix891f, .xn--mk1bu44c, .xn--mxtq1m, .xn--ngbc5azd, .xn--ngbe9e0a, .xn--nqv7f, .xn--nqv7fs00ema, .xn--p1acf, .xn--q9jyb4c, .xn--qcka1pmc, .xn--s9brj9c, .xn--ses554g, .xn--t60b56a, .xn--tckwe, .xn--unup4y, .xn--vermgensberater-ctb, .xn--vermgensberatung-pwb, .xn--vhquv, .xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra, .xn--wgbl6a, .xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h, .xn--yfro4i67o, .xn--zfr164b, .abc, .afamilycompany, .alfaromeo, .allstate, .americanfamily, .amfam, .anz, .art, .bbt, .beauty, .bestbuy, .blanco, .blockbuster, .bofa, .capitalone, .cbs, .chrysler, .comcast, .dish, .doctor, .dodge, .duck, .esurance, .fedex, .ferrari, .fiat, .fidelity, .foodnetwork, .frontdoor, .fujitsu, .fujixerox, .glade, .goodhands, .hgtv, .hughes, .ikano, .itv, .jeep, .juniper, .ladbrokes, .lancia, .lancome, .latino, .lefrak, .lpl, .lplfinancial, .lundbeck, .mckinsey, .maserati, .mit, .mitsubishi, .mopar, .nationwide, .off, .onyourside, .orientexpress, .panasonic, .pnc, .politie, .raid, .rightathome, .scjohnson, .ses, .shangrila, .shopping, .showtime, .sling, .smart, .srt, .tiaa, .travelchannel, .uconnect, .visa, .woodside, .xfinity, .xn--5su34j936bgsg, .uk,,,, .macys, .mn, .cookingchannel, .aigo, .asda, .auspost, .basketball, .case, .caseih, .diy, .dvr, .eco, .fido, .george, .hdfc, .iveco, .monster, .nab, .newholland, .observer, .radio, .rogers, .samsclub, .ubank, .vanguard, .volvo, .walmart, .xn--3oq18vl8pn36a, .car, .cars, .auto | This list of keeps on changing as new extensions are added on a regular basis.

Most of the ccTLD registrars (including .IN, .UK, .AU) do not publish the list of newly registered domain names. So we are unable to provide you a daily database of newly registered ccTLD domains at this time.

Some days may be data not available on time because some days Root registry does not publish newly register domains on time but don't worry we will provide soon as possible.

If you don't want to renew your service, then just go to my services and cancel those services after that you will not get any mail reminders and We will never charge any amount automatic.