
Old Whois Database

Get old data at best price | Historical Whois records

Fast and Accurate Database

We provide old historical Whois database at the best prince in the market. You will get a zip file separated by days files. We include full and proxy removed database.

These plans came with one time payment with lifetime file access so once you order you can download anytime from the client area without any restrictions.


Old whois database

Order one Month at a time with Instant account activation

₹ 900.00/mo
$ 10.52/mo

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We have all old Whois databases since 2011**

You can see how many numbers of domains have every month

Sr. Month Name Domains States Compressed Size
1December-20245646177339.59 MBOrder Now
2November-20246356323403 MBOrder Now
3October-20246641804378.17 MBOrder Now
4September-20245442988367.63 MBOrder Now
5August-20245847430378.26 MBOrder Now
6July-20244592809311.61 MBOrder Now
7June-20245754028375.72 MBOrder Now
8May-20245778858383.6 MBOrder Now
9April-20245299878332.91 MBOrder Now
10March-20245615834390.35 MBOrder Now
11February-20245276254352.26 MBOrder Now
12January-20245682668387.92 MBOrder Now
13December-20235156098329.43 MBOrder Now
14November-20235635610359.49 MBOrder Now
15October-20235460118342.43 MBOrder Now
16September-20236059517358.76 MBOrder Now
17August-20235058982307.12 MBOrder Now
18July-20235167371308.33 MBOrder Now
19June-20235226398318.39 MBOrder Now
20May-20235865500357.13 MBOrder Now
21April-20235487745332.11 MBOrder Now
22March-20236478576397.56 MBOrder Now
23February-20235241448318.26 MBOrder Now
24January-20234462955271.1 MBOrder Now
25December-20224677100287.49 MBOrder Now
26November-20228828304617.22 MBOrder Now
27October-202212660593934.72 MBOrder Now
28September-20227997215690.21 MBOrder Now
29August-20224624586310.09 MBOrder Now
30July-20223591151245.81 MBOrder Now
31June-20222967171205.23 MBOrder Now
32May-20223473619237.89 MBOrder Now
33April-20223692047243.08 MBOrder Now
34March-20224022776252.17 MBOrder Now
35February-20223259122206.4 MBOrder Now
36January-2022277.3 MBOrder Now
37December-2021242.5 MBOrder Now
38November-2021262.8 MBOrder Now
39October-2021284.6 MBOrder Now
40September-2021304.2 MBOrder Now
41August-2021283.2 MBOrder Now
42July-2021281.3 MBOrder Now
43June-2021259.8 MBOrder Now
44May-2021268.2 MBOrder Now
45April-2021271.9 MBOrder Now
46March-2021294.7 MBOrder Now
47February-2021270 MBOrder Now
48January-2021282.4 MBOrder Now
49December-2020275.1 MBOrder Now
50November-2020280 MBOrder Now
51October-2020276.3 MBOrder Now
52September-2020260 MBOrder Now
53August-2020254.4 MBOrder Now
54July-2020257.9 MBOrder Now
55June-2020247 MBOrder Now
56May-2020267.8 MBOrder Now
57April-2020262.3 MBOrder Now
58March-2020220.6 MBOrder Now
59February-2020229.7 MBOrder Now
60January-2020267.7 MBOrder Now
61December-2019279.4 MBOrder Now
62November-2019290.4 MBOrder Now
63October-2019336.8 MBOrder Now
64September-2019263.8 MBOrder Now
65August-2019256.6 MBOrder Now
66July-2019236 MBOrder Now
67June-2019272.5 MBOrder Now
68May-2019276.3 MBOrder Now
69April-2019285.5 MBOrder Now
70March-2019297.9 MBOrder Now
71February-2019243.6 MBOrder Now
72January-2019344.1 MBOrder Now
73December-2018258.5 MBOrder Now
74November-2018311.1 MBOrder Now
75October-2018315.1 MBOrder Now
76September-2018319.5 MBOrder Now
77August-2018269.6 MBOrder Now
78July-2018373 MBOrder Now
79June-2018364.5 MBOrder Now
80May-2018409.1 MBOrder Now
81April-2018343.3 MBOrder Now
82March-2018421.4 MBOrder Now
83February-2018303.7 MBOrder Now
84January-20182856845395.2 MBOrder Now
85December-2017Order Now
86November-2017Order Now
87October-2017Order Now
88September-2017Order Now
89August-2017Order Now
90July-2017Order Now
91June-2017Order Now
92May-2017Order Now
93April-2017Order Now
94March-2017Order Now
95February-2017Order Now
96January-2017Order Now
97December-2016Order Now
98November-2016Order Now
99October-2016Order Now
100September-2016Order Now
101August-2016Order Now
102July-2016Order Now
103June-2016Order Now
104May-2016Order Now
105April-2016Order Now
106March-2016Order Now
107February-2016Order Now
108January-2016Order Now
109December-2015Order Now
110November-2015Order Now
111October-2015Order Now
112September-2015Order Now
113August-2015Order Now
114July-2015Order Now
115June-2015Order Now
116May-2015Order Now
117April-2015Order Now
118March-2015Order Now
119February-2015Order Now
120January-2015Order Now
121December-2014Order Now
122November-2014Order Now
123October-2014Order Now
124September-2014Order Now
125August-2014Order Now
126July-2014Order Now
127June-2014Order Now
128May-2014Order Now
129April-2014214789Order Now
130March-2014164257Order Now
131February-2014142678Order Now
132January-2014125458Order Now
133December-201281.4 MBOrder Now
134November-201280.8 MBOrder Now
135October-201286.7 MBOrder Now
136September-201296.1 MBOrder Now
137August-201294.9 MBOrder Now
138July-201295.5 MBOrder Now
139June-201290.5 MBOrder Now
140May-2012103.6 MBOrder Now
141April-2012111.5 MBOrder Now
142March-2012114.7 MBOrder Now
143February-2012101.2 MBOrder Now
144January-201280.3 MBOrder Now
145December-201166.1 MBOrder Now
146November-201171 MBOrder Now
147October-201171.3 MBOrder Now
148September-201169.6 MBOrder Now
149August-201162.2 MBOrder Now
150July-201161.6 MBOrder Now
151June-201168.8 MBOrder Now
152May-201169.4 MBOrder Now
153April-201173.5 MBOrder Now
154March-201180.5 MBOrder Now
155February-201163 MBOrder Now
156January-201159 MBOrder Now

**Some TLDs are unavailable because they are not publicly accessible.

Old Whois Database features


What does the daily database contain?

Each database contains list of newly registered domain names along with their WHOIS data. Whenever available, the whois record should contains contact details of the domain owner, and other information like name servers and domain status. You may check the free samples to see exactly what's inside a databas.


Quick service activation

We have fully automated system where your account will be activated in second after making payment. we have multi payment methods to support all countries in the world.

We have included many free services to grow your business fast and smoothly. We have included Single Domains WHOIS, Website Health Checkup, IP Information and Email address extractor.


Multiple secure payment methods

We have easy payment method by PayPal and Our Indian customer can use Debit/Credit Card and Net Banking. We have all Indian bank gateway.

Now we have included Google Pay, BHIM, UPI and all popular Wallets like: Paytm, Ola Money etc.


Get the right support..

We are here to help you, if you need any help on purchasing new plan or you have any problem after database purchasing, then please contact us by any support method.

Accurate database

We provide 100% same database as public Whois provide. we only parse to make it easy usable.

Great Support

We have multi support systems, Live chats, Ticket, Mail, Whatsapp and Phone Support.

Money-back Guarantee

We value your money so if you are not satisfied with our services, then we have refund** policy for unused day's money.
**Please read full terms of service.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Your mostly question will be solved.

Each database contains list of newly registered domain names along with their WHOIS data. Whenever available, the whois record should contains contact details of the domain owner, and other information like name servers and domain status. You may check the free samples to see exactly what's inside a databas.

We have fully automated system so your account will activated instantly without any delay after that you can download your database files from the client area. How to download database after payment?. if you are making payment by PayPal, then please use same billing details as used on the PayPal account to avoid manually review delay on an order.

You will get a mail for downloading instruction on mail how ever we suggest you to check downloading method here

We don't have any free trail plan, but we have a paid 7 day trail plan for day full Whois database that includes all county databases. You can order from this link.

You will be able to download daily whois database of previous 5 days. In total, you will get access to the whois data of all the domain names that were registered within last 5 days. Each day's database is separated into a single ZIP file.

Yes, each WHOIS record contains the following parsed information: domain_name, query_time, create_date, update_date, expiry_date, domain_registrar_id, domain_registrar_name, domain_registrar_whois, domain_registrar_url, registrant_name, registrant_company, registrant_address, registrant_city, registrant_state, registrant_zip, registrant_country, registrant_email, registrant_phone, registrant_fax, administrative_name, administrative_company, administrative_address, administrative_city, administrative_state, administrative_zip, administrative_country, administrative_email, administrative_phone, administrative_fax, technical_name, technical_company, technical_address, technical_city, technical_state, technical_zip, technical_country, technical_email, technical_phone, technical_fax, billing_name, billing_company, billing_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_zip, billing_country, billing_email, billing_phone, billing_fax, name_server_1, name_server_2, name_server_3, name_server_4, domain_status_1, domain_status_2, domain_status_3, domain_status_4

We track newly registered domain names of all the major gTLDs and new gTLDs: .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .mobi, .name, .asia, .coop, .tel, .aero, .pro,,,,, .af,,,, .ag,,,,,,,, .bi,,,,,,,, .be, .bj, .bn, .bw, .by, .bz,,,,, .ca, .ch, .cc,,, .ci,,,,,, .cm,,,, .co,,,, .cx, .de, .dk, .eu, .fr, .gi, .gl,,,,,, .gy,,,, .gs, .hn,,,, .ht,,,, .id,,,,,,, .in,,,,,,, .iq, .it,,,, .ki,,,,,,, .ke,,,,,,, .kn, .kr,,,,, .ky, .la, .lc,,,,,,, .li, .ma, .me, .mg,,,,, .ms,,,, .mu,,,,,,, .mz,,, .na, .nf,,,,,,,,,,, .ng,,,,, .nl,, .nz,,,,,,,,, .om, .pf, .pl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .pm, .ps,,,, .pw, .qa, .re, .rw, .sb,,,, .sc,,,, .sl, .st, .sx, .sy, .tc, .tf, .tl,,,, .tv, .uz, .vc,,,, .wf, .ws, .yt, .zm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .academy, .accountant, .agency, .amsterdam, .bayern, .bbva, .berlin, .bet, .bid, .bio, .black, .blackfriday, .blue, .bostik, .bridgestone, .brother, .business, .bzh, .care, .casa, .cat, .center, .cfa, .cfd, .chanel, .channel, .chat, .cheap, .chintai, .christmas, .chrome, .church, .cipriani, .city, .cityeats, .claims, .cleaning, .click, .clinic, .clinique, .clothing, .cloud, .club, .clubmed, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .college, .cologne, .commbank, .community, .company, .compare, .computer, .comsec, .condos, .construction, .consulting, .contact, .contractors, .cooking, .cool, .corsica, .country, .coupons, .courses, .credit, .creditcard, .creditunion, .cricket, .cruises, .csc, .cuisinella, .cymru, .cyou, .dabur, .dad, .dance, .date, .dating, .datsun, .day, .dclk, .dds, .deals, .degree, .delivery, .deloitte, .delta, .democrat, .dental, .dentist, .desi, .design, .dev, .diamonds, .diet, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .docs, .dog, .doha, .domains, .doosan, .dot, .download, .drive, .dtv, .dubai, .dunlop, .durban, .dvag, .eat, .edeka, .education, .email, .emerck, .energy, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .epson, .equipment, .ericsson, .erni, .esq, .estate, .eurovision, .eus, .events, .everbank, .exchange, .expert, .exposed, .express, .extraspace, .fage, .fail, .fairwinds, .faith, .family, .fan, .fans, .farm, .fashion, .feedback, .film, .final, .finance, .financial, .firestone, .firmdale, .fish, .fishing, .fit, .fitness, .flights, .florist, .flowers, .flsmidth, .fly, .foo, .football, .forex, .forsale, .forum, .foundation, .fresenius, .frl, .frogans, .fund, .furniture, .futbol, .fyi, .gal, .gallery, .gallo, .gallup, .game, .garden, .gbiz, .gdn, .gea, .gent, .genting, .ggee, .gift, .gifts, .gives, .giving, .glass, .gle, .global, .globo, .gmail, .gmbh, .gmx, .gold, .goldpoint, .golf, .goo, .goog, .google, .gop, .graphics, .gratis, .green, .gripe, .group, .guge, .guide, .guitars, .guru, .hamburg, .hangout, .haus, .hdfcbank, .healthcare, .help, .helsinki, .here, .hermes, .hiphop, .hitachi, .hiv, .hkt, .hockey, .holdings, .holiday, .homedepot, .homes, .honda, .horse, .host, .hosting, .house, .how, .hyundai, .ibm, .icbc, .ice, .icu, .ifm, .iinet, .imamat, .immo, .immobilien, .industries, .infiniti, .ing, .ink, .institute, .insurance, .insure, .int, .international, .investments, .irish, .iselect, .ismaili, .jaguar, .java, .jcb, .jcp, .jewelry, .jll, .jobs, .joburg, .juegos, .kaufen, .kddi, .kerryhotels, .kerrylogistics, .kerryproperties, .kfh, .kia, .kim, .kitchen, .kiwi, .koeln, .komatsu, .krd, .kuokgroup, .kyoto, .lacaixa, .lamborghini, .lamer, .lancaster, .land, .landrover, .lasalle, .lat, .latrobe, .law, .lawyer, .lds, .lease, .leclerc, .legal, .lexus, .lgbt, .liaison, .lidl, .life, .lifestyle, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .linde, .link, .live, .lixil, .loan, .loans, .locus, .lol, .london, .lotte, .lotto, .love, .ltd, .ltda, .luxe, .luxury, .madrid, .maison, .makeup, .man, .management, .mango, .market, .marketing, .markets, .marriott, .mba, .med, .media, .meet, .melbourne, .meme, .memorial, .men, .menu, .miami, .mini, .mls, .mma, .moda, .moe, .mom, .monash, .money, .mormon, .mortgage, .moscow, .motorcycles, .mov, .movie, .movistar, .mtn, .mtpc, .mtr, .museum, .nadex, .natura, .navy, .nec, .netbank, .network, .new, .news, .nexus, .ngo, .nico, .nikon, .ninja, .nissan, .nissay, .nokia, .norton, .nowruz, .nra, .nrw, .nyc, .obi, .olayangroup, .omega, .one, .ong, .onl, .online, .ooo, .oracle, .orange, .organic, .osaka, .ovh, .page, .paris, .pars, .partners, .parts, .party, .pet, .philips, .photo, .photography, .photos, .physio, .pics, .pictures, .pid, .pink, .pizza, .place, .play, .plumbing, .plus, .pohl, .poker, .porn, .post, .press, .prod, .productions, .prof, .progressive, .promo, .properties, .property, .protection, .pub, .pwc, .quebec, .quest, .racing, .realestate, .realty, .recipes, .red, .redstone, .redumbrella, .rehab, .reise, .reisen, .reit, .rent, .rentals, .repair, .report, .republican, .rest, .restaurant, .review, .reviews, .rexroth, .rich, .ricoh, .rio, .rip, .rocks, .rodeo, .rsvp, .ruhr, .run, .rwe, .saarland, .sale, .salon, .samsung, .sandvik, .sandvikcoromant, .sanofi, .sap, .sarl, .saxo, .sbi, .sbs, .sca, .scb, .schaeffler, .schmidt, .scholarships, .school, .schule, .schwarz, .science, .scor, .scot, .seat, .security, .seek, .select, .services, .seven, .sew, .sex, .sexy, .sfr, .sharp, .shaw, .shell, .shia, .shiksha, .shoes, .shouji, .show, .shriram, .sina, .singles, .site, .ski, .skin, .sky, .sncf, .soccer, .social, .softbank, .software, .solar, .solutions, .sony, .soy, .space, .spiegel, .spreadbetting, .srl, .stada, .star, .starhub, .statebank, .statoil, .stc, .stcgroup, .stockholm, .storage, .store, .studio, .study, .style, .sucks, .supplies, .supply, .support, .surf, .surgery, .swatch, .swiss, .sydney, .symantec, .systems, .tab, .taipei, .tatamotors, .tatar, .tattoo, .tax, .taxi, .tci, .team, .tech, .technology, .telecity, .telefonica, .temasek, .tennis, .teva, .thd, .theater, .theatre, .tickets, .tienda, .tiffany, .tips, .tires, .tirol, .today, .tools, .top, .toray, .toshiba, .total, .tours, .town, .toyota, .toys, .trade, .trading, .training, .travel, .travelers, .travelersinsurance, .trust, .trv, .tui, .tvs, .university, .uol, .ups, .vacations, .vana, .vegas, .ventures, .verisign, .versicherung, .vet, .viajes, .video, .vig, .viking, .villas, .vin, .vip, .virgin, .vision, .vista, .vistaprint, .viva, .vlaanderen, .vodka, .volkswagen, .vote, .voting, .voto, .voyage, .wales, .walter, .wang, .watch, .webcam, .weber, .website, .wed, .wedding, .weibo, .whoswho, .wien, .wiki, .win, .wine, .wme, .wolterskluwer, .work, .works, .world, .wtc, .wtf, .xerox, .xihuan, .xin, .xperia, .xxx, .xyz, .yachts, .yodobashi, .yoga, .youtube, .yun, .zara, .zip, .zone, .zuerich, .xn--1qqw23a, .xn--30rr7y, .xn--3bst00m, .xn--3ds443g, .xn--3pxu8k, .xn--42c2d9a, .xn--45brj9c, .xn--4gbrim, .xn--55qw42g, .xn--55qx5d, .xn--6frz82g, .xn--6qq986b3xl, .xn--80asehdb, .xn--80aswg, .xn--9dbq2a, .xn--9et52u, .xn--9krt00a, .xn--b4w605ferd, .xn--c1avg, .xn--c2br7g, .xn--cg4bki, .xn--czrs0t, .xn--czru2d, .xn--d1acj3b, .xn--efvy88h, .xn--estv75g, .xn--fhbei, .xn--fiq228c5hs, .xn--fiq64b, .xn--fjq720a, .xn--flw351e, .xn--fpcrj9c3d, .xn--g2xx48c, .xn--gecrj9c, .xn--h2brj9c, .xn--hxt814e, .xn--i1b6b1a6a2e, .xn--io0a7i, .xn--j1aef, .xn--j1amh, .xn--jlq61u9w7b, .xn--kcrx77d1x4a, .xn--kput3i, .xn--mgb9awbf, .xn--mgbaam7a8h, .xn--mgbbh1a71e, .xn--mgbca7dzdo, .xn--mgberp4a5d4ar, .xn--mgbt3dhd, .xn--mix891f, .xn--mk1bu44c, .xn--mxtq1m, .xn--ngbc5azd, .xn--ngbe9e0a, .xn--nqv7f, .xn--nqv7fs00ema, .xn--p1acf, .xn--q9jyb4c, .xn--qcka1pmc, .xn--s9brj9c, .xn--ses554g, .xn--t60b56a, .xn--tckwe, .xn--unup4y, .xn--vermgensberater-ctb, .xn--vermgensberatung-pwb, .xn--vhquv, .xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra, .xn--wgbl6a, .xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h, .xn--yfro4i67o, .xn--zfr164b, .abc, .afamilycompany, .alfaromeo, .allstate, .americanfamily, .amfam, .anz, .art, .bbt, .beauty, .bestbuy, .blanco, .blockbuster, .bofa, .capitalone, .cbs, .chrysler, .comcast, .dish, .doctor, .dodge, .duck, .esurance, .fedex, .ferrari, .fiat, .fidelity, .foodnetwork, .frontdoor, .fujitsu, .fujixerox, .glade, .goodhands, .hgtv, .hughes, .ikano, .itv, .jeep, .juniper, .ladbrokes, .lancia, .lancome, .latino, .lefrak, .lpl, .lplfinancial, .lundbeck, .mckinsey, .maserati, .mit, .mitsubishi, .mopar, .nationwide, .off, .onyourside, .orientexpress, .panasonic, .pnc, .politie, .raid, .rightathome, .scjohnson, .ses, .shangrila, .shopping, .showtime, .sling, .smart, .srt, .tiaa, .travelchannel, .uconnect, .visa, .woodside, .xfinity, .xn--5su34j936bgsg, .uk,,,, .macys, .mn, .cookingchannel, .aigo, .asda, .auspost, .basketball, .case, .caseih, .diy, .dvr, .eco, .fido, .george, .hdfc, .iveco, .monster, .nab, .newholland, .observer, .radio, .rogers, .samsclub, .ubank, .vanguard, .volvo, .walmart, .xn--3oq18vl8pn36a, .car, .cars, .auto | This list of keeps on changing as new extensions are added on a regular basis.

Most of the ccTLD registrars (including .IN, .UK, .AU) do not publish the list of newly registered domain names. So we are unable to provide you a daily database of newly registered ccTLD domains at this time.

Some days may be data not available on time because some days Root registry does not publish newly register domains on time but don't worry we will provide soon as possible.

If you don't want to renew your service, then just go to my services and cancel those services after that you will not get any mail reminders and We will never charge any amount automatic.